November 6, 2011
Live from New York, it’s Cheeseburger Saturday Night. Starring Odessa with special guest stars, Ray’s Candy Store and St. Marks Bookshop and featuring the Ready for Prime Beef player, Marty Wombacher. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your host for tonight, Odessa!
Since I had to work all night last night and I didn't get to sleep till around six in the morning, my hours are all wacked out. I didn't wake up till around four in the afternoon, so this is kind of like brunch for me. At least I gain an hour tonight.
And through the miracle of the internet you're spared a twenty minute walk to the East Village. Here we are, Odessa, let's go in and see what's happening.
It's kind of early for this place, it's open 24 hours and a lot of people come here after they've done their time at some of the bars on the block. There's plenty of seats at the counter, so let's go snag one.
And I'm just settling in as Danny cheerfully serves me up a beer. What a way to start the day!
Here's the view from my perch at the counter.
There's a little bar in the back with menus and plants and booze, oh my!
Here's the guy's hard at work in the kitchen area.
Okay, the place setting is all set, all we need now is the cheeseburger.
Ask and ye shall receive. I got the bacon cheeseburger on an English muffin. It looks delicious.
And it certainly is. The cole slaw was really good too.
A wonderful cheeseburger. One of the great things about Odessa is that it's...
Right next door to Ray's Candy Store! I haven't been here since they put up the new sign featuring Ray and Bob that Lindsay and Chico collaborated on. It looks great!
Allie was on duty tonight and told me Ray was sleeping in the back.
I was full from the cheeseburger, but craved something sweet so I got one scoop of chocolate gelato. The perfect last course for this Cheeseburger Saturday Night!
On my way home I wanted to stop in at St. Mark's Book Shop. Jeremiah Moss has declared this as another, "Buy a Book Weekend," and I wanted to do my part and get the new R. Crumb book all at the same time.
St. Mark's recently won a battle to get rent reduction from Cooper Union and hung up this sign of appreciation. Good to see a local business winning for once!
Here's the R. Crumb book I want to get.
Whoa, check this out, a book devoted to those old comic book ads. I have to get this too. Why not, I worked a lot of overtime on Friday, might as well splurge.
Here's Chris behind the counter. He said that the entire store was very appreciative of everyone who's been supporting the store. He especially said they really appreciated what Jeremiah had done to help the battle. And you can do your part to keep this great book store alive and well, by buying a book today. If you don't live in New York, you can buy one online by clicking here: St. Mark's Bookshop.
Cheeseburger RatingThree cheeseburgers, a great burger!
119 Ave. A (Near 7th St.)
Further reading: EV Grieve, Time Out New York and NY CitySearch.
(Surprise on it...I dare you!)
Bonus Video Sent in by Kate!
Kate from One More Folded Sunset sent in this escalator awareness video. Watch it, learn it and live it! This should be required viewing before entering Penn Station!

Reader Comments (26)
Great job on the 'Bob and Ray' Banner!
Also, that 'Mail Order Mysteries' book is right up my alley!
Great stuff.
I'm STILL waityng for my fucking Kellog's Baking Soda Submarine from 1960,
I did get the Frogman about a year later when I was a kid.
Sea Monkeys, Magic Crystals, X- Ray Specs. All a part of our lives.
Stuff like that is lost on the 'Yout' of today.
Great post Daddio.
Let's try and catch up this week.
Looks like a good night, cheeseburger, ray's and new books. Love the new sign at Ray's. And that's an awesome escalator ad! The joys of the internet!
Yeah, I'm with Boris, I want that mail order mysteries book too! I sent for those x-ray glasses when I was a kid...they just make things blurry around the edges, makes you think (sort of) that you're looking at the bones in your hands, and as for checking out the chick down the street in her panties,,,fugetaboutit.
The cookies look more like pies, and as for that cheeseburger...
YUM--bacon cheeseburger--I like it with mayo and ketchup Cali style.
God that cheeseburger looks good. My favorite thing bout St. Mark's Books is the little independent publisher spot that have in the back located in the fiction section. I always wanted to submit something but was too shy. Some lovely works there.
@"Boris:" The book has all those and more. Really opened a floodgate of memories of reading stacks of comics in my bedroom a a kid. I'll try and call you tomorrow.
@kari: It was a great night in the East Village, indeed!
@Jaws: Thanks for that link, hilarious! I hope that wasn't the bacon on my cheeseburger last night!
@Melanie: I stick to just mustard on mine, as Kari and Britta woefully know!
@Jason: I agree with you on the independent area in St. Mark's, nice to see a bookshop supporting independent writers. I purchased my copy of 100 Whores, by Mykola "Mick" Dementiuk there.
J - E - T - S ! ... Jets ! Jets ! Jets !
@GENE: Are you watching West Side Story again?
Your burger looked better than mine! Mine was a fat 10hour shit burger driving a bus through dipshit college town until 2:30am! The only upside was when i got off it was 1:30 am and had time to grab a beer before bar close! Cheers ! Let me borrow those specs.....Wanna check out my hot neighbor!
"Rock My Soul"...great song,thank you it brought back many memories of shooting pool in your basement getting high and drunk on PBR and playing music ...You and Swamii always had the best music and pot
trouble posting today
@Professor Dugnpie: Sorry to hear about your shit shift, I know how it feels, come on by to check out the specs!
@tehennessey: Ha! I thought the same thing, great days back then just shooting pool and getting high. Good days that I'm grateful for!
@Al: Restart your computer and clear the cache and ti should solve the problem.
my third try...
If the melting pot exists, the cheeseburger may well be its most palpable product; to take a bite of it is to take a bite of history
~Elizabeth Rozin
@Al: T.I. won't solve the problem. T.I. is in jail.
Very nice! The Odessa has a very underrated burger. Troubles me, though, to see the place so empty on a Saturday night....
@CSP: T.I. got out for the weekend and came over and fixed it,,,,,lol
@Al: Well damn. I guess you can have Whatever You Like.
Odessa is great. I love their turkey, stuffing, potatoes etc thanksgiving everyday special. Mrs. Spike and I both bought some books at St. Marks on Saturday. We normally stick to the library (another dying business), but it is nice to read a book that's not filled with crumbs and unidentified splotches of unknown origin!
@rr: Have you tried restarting your computer and clearing the cache? It usually solves the commenting problem. Great quote, as always!
@csp: I'd fix my typo, but I don't want to ruin your bits here!
@EV Grieve: I thought the same thing, but I bet it filled up later. I hope.
@Spike: Glad to hear you bought some books at St. Mark's, I hope they had a good weekend. There was a decent crowd in there Saturday.
WooHoo.. i missed the posts all weekend as my computer using was limited to my phone.
i went out for cheeseburgers on saturday night.
but i was so exhausted i got the grilled cheese but got bacon on it.. Maia ate the cheeseburger. as did my other two fledglings i had with...
it was after midnight in michigan though could that be cheeseburger sunday morning?
anyhoooo.. good post.. want the R Crumb book.
and i now i want a gelato fro brekkie..
no what i really want is that sandwich looking cookie in the jar at odessa's
@Gidget: I love grilled cheese and bacon, excellent choice! And you should get the R. Crumb book, it's great. And I would've gotten one of those cookies, but I wanted to have dessert at Ray's Candy Store.
The linzer cookies (with the jelly in the middle) look good.
@Melanie: I know, I need to try one of those next time I go.
Those were full slices of bacon on your burger! I got a really good one on Saturday night, too. O'Reilly's here in Cowtown. Next time I go, I'll try to remember to take a picture. They grill the bun and everything!
@Biff: I was amazed by the bacon on the burger too! Looking forward to seeing that cheeseburger photo-op!
ahhhh yah!! Such a awesome-filled post!!! Mmm, I love Odessa!! And Ray's afterwards!?!?? Sounds like a perfect night to me!!!