March 28, 2011
Okay, I’ve decided to dedicate Sunday nights to independent businesses. The only problem with this is that a lot of them close early on Sundays. So Sunday’s will be the rare MAD experience that occasionally starts in the early evening hours before it’s actually dark out. My two favorite kind of stores are bookstores and record shops, so we'll be seeing a lot of them on Sunday's. This week I’m going to a cool little record store on Bleecker street called, Rebel Rebel.
Ack! The's all too much!
Check out this store on 14th Street. It's called, NYC Candy. Yet...
They don't sell candy! Now I don't know about you, but...
I want candy!
Private hooker joke between Biff and I alert: Ah, the Karavas Tavern, spanks for the memories!
Okay, we're on Bleecker, just a few blocks till we get to Rebel Rebel.
Speaking of hookers, this place is a real meat market. (Rimshot.)
And here we are, Rebel Rebel. The store's named after this David Bowie tune.
You don't even have to go inside to shop here.
But let's go in, it's freezing as fuck out here. Where is spring?
Okay, I went in and met the owner (I think he was the owner.) He was a real nice guy, but couldn't seem to understand what I was doing and why. He told me I could take a couple pictures. I told him I really needed to take more and he told me a couple would be enough. And again, he was being super-nice about it, so I asked if I could take ten and he said I could take five. Here's the thing, I don't know much about photography (other things I don't know much about: History, biology, algebra and no, I don't know what a slide rule is for) so usually I take about sixty photos and out of those I'll get about twenty good ones. So I'm really feeling the pressure here to get five decent ones in a row. Here's number one: A full shot of the shop. There's tons of records and CD's in the small shop.
There's a nice selection of rock and roll magazines in here, Mojo magazine is great!
This shot kind of sucked, I'm really feeling the pressure here.
A stack of Rebel Rebel shirts on top of a pile of albums.
The back wall has tons of magazines with Madonna on the cover. That's it, my five picture deal is done. I feel I did the best I could under the circumstances. Please don't rag on this place in the comments, it's a great store, the owner is just a little camera shy. If you're ever in New York, you should check it out.
I found a German import of "The Who Sell Out," one of my favorite records of all time. Since I bought something the owner agreed to one more photo and even took it himself. Squeezed an extra photo out of him! I felt really good about that. Yes, this is what my life has been reduced to!
And the sun has set. Look to the right of this photo for a reminder that the stupid-ass all-important Papaya Wars continue tomorrow, exclusively here at MAD! Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
Rebel Rebel
319 Bleecker St. (Near Grove St.)
Further reading: New York magazine, nycgoth, Turntabling and the Village Voice.
When I was a kid Sunday nights meant three things: School was starting the next day, my homework was never done and Ed Sullivan was on TV that night. Here’s five great Ed Sullivan moments via YouTube. You can only watch these if you've done your homework!
The Beatles
Richard Pryor
Topo Gigio
Plate Spinning
Senor Wences
The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal are mine to see on clear days,
You thought that I would need a crystal ball to see right through the haze.

Reader Comments (30)
Since there's no way I'm gonna spend 60 bucks on a cab to track down a Juicy Lucy in Minneapolis, I could use a good meat market nearby so I can try to cook one on my own. Yesterday's post has got me all obsessed now.
I realize that I don't actually ever have to come to NYC again because I'm traveling all over with you. Although, I probably will come visit anyway. I want in on one of your nighttime adventures!
Rebel looks like a great place and I could hang out there all day. David Bowie, whatever happened to you? One of The Who's best and most well liked songs. Oh, and I know Papaya wars is coming but stupid need not be scratched out. As Forrest Gump once said,,,,"Stupid is as ..........". We know.
@Jaws: I'll be anxious to see the results, send a photo if you can!
@SuuzRocks: You're welcome to join me anytime, just give me advance notice!
@Al: It's a great record shop, tons of stuff crammed into it, so it makes it kind of like a treasure hunt when you find something. Pete Townshend has said he feels that "I Can See For Miles" is the best song he's ever written. And your Papaya Wars observation? Ha ha ha! Nice!
Great job with the limited amount you were able to take. Guess the place doesn't want free advertising! That's my favorite Who album too!
You make me want to come to NYC so I can come with you on some of these adventures!
I've always wanted to stop by Rebel Rebel when I'm in town. I need to win the lottery so I can stay for longer than three days at a time! Thanks for taking us along (looks awesome) and can't wait to see what's up with the Papaya Wars!!!
Your pal,
Stupid Biff
Oh, and I almost forgot - SLAP!! HA HA HA! Good times.
@Barfly: It was strange, some places just don't want photos, which is fine, but I didn't get the five picture only limit. But what are you going to do?
@Meleah: You're welcome to join me anytime!
@Biff: If you win the lottery you need to move here! And I've got vodka for tonight's papaya drink! Stay tuned!
Vodka sounds good! Though I'd go for gin myself...
I am a rebel and I don't eat meat anymore
but I can make an exception if Jaws has cooked it !!
Oh! and I make exception for escargots and frogs! sorry I'm French!
It's too bad the owner was a nice guy, it tempers my desire for a crew of camera wielding bloggers to descend upon him and his store in one large seizure inducing flash bomb of picture taking.
@onemorefoldedsunset: I'll consider that for next week!
@ZioumZioum: Nice last name you rebel you!
@csp: I made a point out of saying he was a nice guy so no one would trash his store here, it's a great record shop, I think part of it was he didn't quite get what I was doing. At least I got I got some out of the deal.
Why, thank you Zioums! I am a good cook. Tell you what, if you ever find yourself in this glaciated wasteland of a state, c'mon over and I'll be happy to cook you a Juicy Lucy. Then I can take pictures of you eating it and shoot the pictures off to Marty so he can put them on his blog!
(There's still snow and ice all over the place around here, can you believe it?) Welcome back Zioums, it's been a while!
Jaws has taken up the challenge it is now up to Zioum Zioum and Jason (by the way congratulations! may this union be celebrated for many years to come) to fulfill the quest....
MAD...great stop pre but into after dark...sorta lead me to this:
"Independent record stores rule. They are the last refuge for those who are looking for music that's outside of the box or outside of this decade."
- Chris Faller (The Hush Sound)
@rr: Nice quote as always and thanks for that link! That's a Saturday, I may have to go for my cheeseurger on a Sunday that week!
Looks like a fun store, maybe the owner just doesn't understand these internets things. A friend of mine just did a blog about visiting George's Song Shop which is the oldest record shop in the country. So if you're ever in Johnstown, PA, you might want to visit :) I feel like I'm surrounded by record lovers lately.
@kari: Wow, I just looked at George's Song Shop, amazing place! I have to get there before I die! Thanks for the link! Very cool!
@MAD Sorry if I wasn't clearer, I wasn't advocating anything untoward towards Rebel Rebel. It takes a certain kind of special to keep analog alive in a digital world.
I wouldn't believe @csp if I was you
@csp: I agree!
@kari: Ha ha ha!
@Marty: Yeah a chainhwang is a chainsaw made in China! ;)
@Jaws: I know that you cook well, you always came out with good recipe!
Still snow and ice!!! wow, we already get our 55F/60F now in Toulouse!
Indeed it's been a while! Got busy with the mariage things, then when it was over I got so tired, then got an infection to a teeth, then got a little depressed when jason left, so I took 2 weeks of vacation, then got back to my english teacher job happy, then started Yoga lessons to be zen, and now I'm back in great shape! and going to start doing that !!
Hi Marty, Wow the Who sell out- played that a million times with headphones... favorite song was Odorono
@tehennessey: I think it's one of their best and definitely their greatest album cover!
I love the Record Shop adventures!
Long Live Rebel Rebel!
I do remember hearing about the Constipated Mathematician who "worked it out" with a Slide Rule.
@"Boris:" Long live Rebel Rebel indeed! Great slide rule joke, Daddio!
This blog is a hoot! Dave at Rebel Rebel is a prince, a real gentlemen. Been buying and selling there for years.
I don't get the Karavas joke. They're good. Splain Lucy!
@ken mac: That was no knock at Karavas, just something that happened there one night. Maybe I'll write it up next week. Thanks for chiming in!
What a cool record store...I miss cool record stores..
@Tiki Bar Susie: Me too.