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September 7, 2011

Okay, as most of you know, the end to my holiday weekend didn’t end up so well. Then work was really crazy and I had to stay late. And now I have to come in to work early today, so there won’t be much of a post today. Luckily I do have some items that you can check out and hopefully will justify your visit to MAD today. So in no particular order, here goes!

Shawn Chittle made a Chillmaster Dance video and it's hilarious! Check it out below, great work, Shawn!

Goggla snapped some great photos and captured the essence of the day with two fantastic videos of the Chillmaster Coney Island Trip over at The Gog Log and you can check them out here. The Gog Log Coney Island Photos.

Goggla also got some shots of Yours Fooly trying out the rope challenge and failing miserably! Click here to see those photos.

Lindsay got a nice shot of what Coney Island will look like next year after they ruin the boardwalk. Check it out here: Slow Night.

Kate put up three excellent photos that she took the night of the Coney Island trip. Click here to see them: One More Folded Sunset.

You still have time to vote for Jeremiah Moss for most valuable NYC blogger. You can vote by clicking on this sentence.

And last, but not least, look what Britta discovered while doing her laundry.


Oh well, at least I have power. Power to the people, right on. Could this song sound anymore outdated? Kind of sad. I once believed in this kind of stuff. Sad to know that it'll never happen. I wish it was 1969 again. Okay, off to work. Power to the people, right on. As Hunter S. Thompson said, "This song was ten years too late." Oh well, I feel lucky to have been alive when it was still a dream. Too bad we all woke up.

Reader Comments (18)

Awesome videos and photos! I'm a little scared to go back in to my laundry room now...good excuse to do something besides wash clothes I guess. Hope today is not as crazy for you, Marty.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBritta

Oh shit! I always thought it would be fun to party with you and the Chillmaster at Coney, and my husband and I were actually there in Ruby's that day! We were standing in the primo corner at the front - you can glimpse us (blurrily) in the first video. Oh well, maybe next time. They're open through the end of October. Then it's curtains, sadly.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatrink

@Britta: So far it's just as crazy, I'm hoping it settles down soon! Watch out for CBBM!

@Katrink: I wish you'd have seen us in there, we'll have to try to meet up for a drink before the season is over!

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

It's amazing that in the 50+ years I lived on the Lower East Side never had the good fortune to run into any of you. And the stroke I had over the last decade or so brought me even farther away from the East Village. But Marty has been a friend in more ways than one, he read my '100 Whores' and liked it! You can't ask a friend to do more then that. Thanks Marty, you're the best! And these little nuisances you're facing now will dwindle in time, you have my word on that ;)

Lambda Literary Awards Winner 2009/Bisexual Fiction

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMykola Mick Dementiuk

@MAD: On the up side; you can't really taste the sweat off your brow when you are working in the salt mines. To interstate lottery purses and non-exploding Transformers. (Fuck you Michael Bay.)

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

Love all the extra chillmaster footage. Was sad not to see Marty dancing though.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

Love the Chillmaster collection!! That video of the Chillmaster is HILARIOUS!! Love Goggla's photos and her video of the guy dancing at Ruby's!! Amazing!!! Great photos by Kate as well!

Bahahhaha!! Love Britta's discovery!

Hope you have a good day, Marty!

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

The video's were great and so were the pictures. Saw this news story yesterday, with the "honorary" mayor of Coney Island, his comments about the future of this area and the developing may go against the grain to what most here think. He's all for the changes, and pointed out the "blight" in the area. Interesting to see, though I shouldn't really voice an opinion as I haven't been there to see how bad he claims it is.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAl

@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: Sorry you're far away from the East Village, but having your book in the area means you are still part of the community!

@csp: True! o interstate lottery purses and non-exploding Transformers! I have to get a Mega Millions ticket this week.

@kari: Sorry I didn't dance, maybe next time!

@Lindsay: I liked your photo from Coney Island, you always capture a lot of feeling within one photo. Great work!

@Al: Do you have a link to that story? What "blight" is he talking about? It sounds like the same shit they said about Times Square as they "cleaned it up."

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Even during times of adversity you always come up with something cool to look at Marty, and all the while working a full time job that must really wear you down at times. Where do you find the energy? That rope challenge looks like an open invitation to multiple rope burns, a rupture and perhaps a concussion or two...

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

@Jaws: Thanks! Very nice of you to say! And the rope challenge was tough, but I felt no pain due to all the booze I drank before I attempted it!

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

The rope challenge? Man, you're ambitious.

Lennon's song is one of the very few from years ago that still get me worked up, pointless as it may be. 'Power to the People', 'Volunteers' by the Jeff Airplane, sometimes 'Monster' by Steppenwolf, and of course, almost anything by the Pistols but especially 'Anarchy in the UK'....and I'm not British and have only been there once.

It also got the biggest audience response at a Robert Gordon show at BB King's last year (?) when Robert turned the stage over to his sidemen for some tunes, one of whom was Glen Matlock. People went nuts, stood up, raised their fists, got allllll worked up.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdark1p

@dark1p It was equal parts ambition and booze that got me up on the rope! I loved all those songs as a kid too, I had forgotten all about "Monster" by Steppenwolf! That sounds like a great show at B.B. King's, always liked Glen Matlock. That was a big mistake when the Sex Pistols fired him.

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Thanks, Marty. Goggla & Lindsay's videos & photographs are excellent. They do really fine work - I'm just piddling around still! Love Shawn's dance video! Have you been in touch with the Chillmaster since Sunday?

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteronemorefoldedsunset

geez....why you tagged this "I Got Nothin' Today!"...i can not fathom...great video (thanks shawn), great links to great pics and dance video at somewhere that will soon be a faded memory...funny how sumtimes nothing does = sumthing...ah...rope ladder climbing sorta reminds me of one of my last failed field sobriety tests...other time on that one...could go on but...

There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man.
~Sean Connery


September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

@onemorefoldedsunset: I spoke with the Chillmaster on Sunday and he had a bit of a headache! Then he called me yesterday saying he could set up a meeting with the Willie Nelson van guy, but it was too crazy at work, so we're going to set something up later.

@rr: A rope ladder sobriety test? Those cops weren't fucking around with you, were they! Love the Sean Connery quote!

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

it wasn't a rope ladder sobriety test but it was just as challengin'...if we ever meet up i'll give to you before the first beer (if i can catch you that early)...than after the sixth or tenth...damn is that a word tenth?...


September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

@rr: Look forward to hearing about it!

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

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