September 3, 2011
It’s funny, the 365 Bars blog has been dormant for over a half a year, but it still gets a lot of hits and every once in a while I’ll get a comment there. I got an interesting one the other day and you should check it out. It’s right here, just scroll down to the end of the comments till you get to the comment left by Joe and then you can read my rebuttal.
It’s Friday finally and we have a three day weekend coming up and I can’t wait, it’s been a long week. Tonight I thought we’d take it easy and take some photos while walking home down Fifth Avenue and take a stroll around Madison Park on 23rd Street.
And we're off. It's really nice out tonight. I hate to see the end of summer, but I always enjoy the fall. Winter I try not to think about.
I think I've posted this sign before, but it deserves another look. "Cigarettes & Candy." How Mayor Bloomberg hasn't shut this store down is a miracle.
Something tells me Sister Carol Perry is a bit of a cynic and good for her!
Scenes from a souvenir shop window: King Kong mocks the Statue of Liberty.
And here we are, the park is right across the street.
Madison Square Park.
No smoking in the park. Sheesh! Pretty soon they won't allow candy either.
It's nice and quiet on this side of the park, I'm surprised there's not more people milling around.
Plenty of park benches to relax on. I hear noise at the other end of the park, let's see what's going on.
Oh, I forgot, the original Shake Shack is here and this is where all the lemmings people are.
Wow, it's a full house. I've always been curious as to what the hell the attraction is here. How can a cheeseburger be this good? It's after 11:00 PM and I think the park closes at midnight, so there can't be much of a line. Maybe I'll finally be able to sample one. Let's go check it out.
Holy shitballs, look at this line!
It's at least a half an hour wait! Don't these people have anything better to do?
Well I do. I'm going to go home and drink the remainder of my Hurricane Irene beer stock. We'll get a cheeseburger tomorrow night. Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
Further reading: Wikipedia, a view on cities, Shake Shack and Madison Square Park.
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Dolly Madison
Don’t try to lay no boogie woogie,
On the king of rock ‘n’ roll.
(Surprise on it...I dare you!)