The Food Court at La Guardia Airport...
This couple are laughing and having a whale of a good time at the food court in La Guardia Airport. He's eating black bean soup and it's 8:30 in the morning. Freak!
Look, she's checking him for fleas.
Okay, this is how nuts I am. It's going on 9:00 AM and my flight doesn't take off till around noon. I was afraid if I left around 10:00 AM I might get stuck in traffic. Anyway, here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.

Reader Comments (14)
Fleas ....... hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Have a safe flight Marty and best to my "adopted" parents too!!!Happy Holidays...I will be outta town from 12/25 til 1/ the beach in Long Island.
@GENE: A Red Hot Chili Peppers moment!
@csp: Exactly!
@Melanie: Thanks! Have fun in Long Island!
@MAD: Speaking of Bonobos, enjoy your TSA "massage". Hasta Mañana señor.
@csp: I have a twenty to tip the TSA for a "happy ending."
AND he's drinking water! IN AN AIRPORT!!! Dumb fleabag. On a separate note, I really like that mouse hat off to the side.
And another thing...that dude in the mouse hat looks like he's about to hurl.
@Biff: I think something was spoiled in his breakfast.
We are all just a bunch of fucking clueless hairless apes. Give me the originals any day of the week. That Silverback in this vid is one cool dude. Do NOT fuck with him!
@Duncester: Ha ha ha! Wouldn't fuck with him for all the money in the world!
Looks like you didn't have to take 'the big limousine'.
Glad your trip was safe.
(with almost real time updates too!)
Merry Christmas to your Mom and Dad!
Glad we had a few minutes to yak the other night.
We'll catch up Daddio!
@"Boris:" The puddlejumper flew and I didn't have to bus it back to Peoria! Let's catch up soon, Daddio!
i had no idea you were such a sensible flyer