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March 31, 2011

We’ve been to Penn Station quite a few times since I started MAD, so I thought tonight we’d take a trip to its Terminal sister on the east side, Grand Central Terminal and see what’s going on over there after dark.

We'll walk straight up 7th Avenue to Times Square and catch the shuttle train.

The "S" marks the spot.

And here we are, there's a good-sized crowd which is great, it means a train should be here soon.

And baboom! Here it is, the shuttle. A true Charles Susty moment!

The ride to Grand Central is just a couple of minutes.

See, we're here already, let's make our way to the main concourse.

This guy was singing opera at the end of the track. It was kind of creepy and made me feel like a bit player in "Silence of the Lambs." Time to move on.

Here we are, the main concourse, the heart of Grand Central.

People in motion.

The information booth in the center of the Concourse is a well-known attraction.

As is the clock above it. It's 10:40, do you know where your children are?

Here's some people camped out on the stairs.

This fellow is really absorbed into his text machine. So much so that he...

Can't see the fucking sign right in front of him telling him he's not supposed to be sitting there texting his asshole texts.

This guy didn't get the memo about not sitting on the stairs either and he's going to be there for a while it seems. It looks like he's reading "War and Peace!" That's okay, don't get up, I'll just walk around you...asshole.

Let's go check out the Dining Concourse and maybe get a drink or something.

Speaking of drinks, here's the famous Oyster Bar. Sadly it was closed. And it's not even 11:00 pm! Sheesh! What happened to the city that never sleeps?

And this place already has its chairs up.

Okay, okay...

I get the message. I guess the Dining Concourse is more of a lunch spot.

I like the back of this chair.

Well, well, well. It looks like our friend is done with "War and Peace" and is now hypnotized by his iPhone.

And so is this guy.

Him too, it's starting to feel like a night of a thousand zombies in here...

Time to join in the people in motion...

And get back to where we once belonged. Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.

Grand Central Terminal
89 East 42nd St. @Park Ave.

Further reading: Google Timeline, New York Architecture, New York Magazine and Time.

Eight Other Grand Things

Grand Piano
Grand Canyon
Grand Theft Auto
100 Grand Candy Bar
Grand Ole Opry
Grand Magazine
Grand Jury
Fred Grandy


Oh baby, come here quick,
That old cocaine’s about to make me sick.


Reader Comments (25)

I don't like Grand Central - it's just spooky there .... I much prefer Penn Station ........ and ........ who has a Papaya Dog (w/ beer) - and who doesn't :)

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

How did all those idiots survive before texting took hold of their lives. Why is it they can type and read but can't read the sign telling them not to sit there? Why are there so many assholes in this world?

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAl

All those cell phone and I-pod people...mam,oh man. I wonder if any of them read 'Cell' by Steven King...mouahahahahahaaa.....and that guy with the opera at the end of the track...he must be singing for his fava beans and perhaps a snifter of fine chiante. Check your e-mail, Marty, I sent you something.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

I really like the people in motion shots! And people: put your iphones and blackberries down, there's a whole world to look at out there!

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBarfly

I love Grand Central. Back in '04 (my first visit to the City), my friend took me through one of those long, winding tunnels, past the news carts and the snack carts and the beer carts (fuck you, Giuliani!), and after what seemed like an eternity of winding through walkers, we emerged into Grand Central right at rush hour. It was as stunning and beautiful to me then as it is today. The ceiling, the lighting, the windows, the people. Of course, not so many folks were yapping on cell phones back then and, as my knees were much younger, I probably didn't mind people blocking my way to the railing. In any event, after a quick look around the main terminal, we walked downstairs to the trains. And to this day, I've never seen so many people walking in so many different directions at one time. It's a wonder that people don't get trampled down there, but there seems to be a mishmashed, zigzag science to it - and we got where we needed to go (Hint: It was, eventually, someplace with lots and lots of Guinness). In the subsequent years, I've headed back to have a drink at the Campbell Apartment and have some grub at the Oyster Bar. And I always enjoy bringing people new to the City through there. It's a real piece of Manhattan history and deserves an accolade or two. And that ceiling...man, I just love that ceiling.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

P.S. That opera dude looks eerily like David Lee Roth circa "The Bluegrass Years." Shiver me timbers.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

Grand central always gives me anxiety..i hate that place.. worse going with my mum.. she has enough anxiety for everyone.. they'd all have to sit with iphones just to shut her vibes out!!!

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGidgie

I don't like Grand Central AT ALL. I can't handle all the hustle, bustle, and massive amounts of people - without having a panic attack!

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

@GENE: The place is in bad need of a Papaya place...with beer!

@Jaws: I doubt any of them have read anything other than their texts.

@Al: I agree, too many assholes!

@Barfly: The motion shots were my favorite too.

@Biff: I tried to get a shot of the ceiling but none of them turned out. Maybe next time, when you're here! And David Lee Roth, the Blugrass years? Ha ha ha! Forgot all about that!

@Gidgie: The place is a little high strung.

@Meleah: It wouldn't be so panic attack inducing if they left the Oyster Bar open a little longer!

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

@Marty: I'll send you a pic that I snapped there last fall. And speaking of New York and oysters...


March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

Allergic to oysters.. hand me an iPhone and sit me on the staircase so i can keep my arms from flapping.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGidgie

What's the difference between a shuttle and a normal train? I've never heard of the shuttle. Yeah don't think the stair sign is getting through to people. They should install spikes or something. That building is so beautiful and so historic. I wonder how many movies have been filmed in there. I would love to go there just to say I've been there. But I would just stand in the corner and people watch.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

@Biff: Thanks, I'll post it tomorrow as a bonus photo! And thanks for the NPR linkage!

@Gidgie: I'm allergic to iPhones.

@kari: The shuttle is just a normal subway train, but it only goes back and forth from Times Square to Grand Central. And you're right, it's a great people watching place.

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

"That's okay, don't get up, I'll just walk around you...asshole."

lol! loved this post! i agree with gene they need a papaya and beer!

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrita r.

Marty I use an android anyway....I am the antimacaholic.. someone has to lend balance...

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGidgie

OHHHHH BABY ....THAT WAS SWEET!!! never heard it before! what a treat....

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGreen Monkey

why can't we do without the word verification? just saying...

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGreen Monkey

@Green Monkey: I'm trying to find out how to disable that, hopefully soon it'll be gone.

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

I used to work on Madison Ave for a craptaculair company. I could have warned you Grand Central closes very early. I hated the place. There are only so many times you can look at the ceiling and think, "Wow, they painted the stars flopped." On an interesting side note; for forever the powers that be have been trying to connect Penn Station to Grand Central directly. The latest plans have been stalled for years. Basically there is bickering between NYC, the state of NY, the state of NJ, the MTA, Metro-North, the LIRR, NJ transit, and the federal government. The latest scaled back plan adds little to no functionality for a price of $20 billion. The idea is that if you connect the two stations, hordes of businessmen will descend upon the city magically creating commerce by their mere presence. Take the S shuttle like everyone else douche bags.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

I forgot to mention Amtrack. Damn, I was hoping that would have been shorter.

March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

@Green Monkey: I just found out how to turn the word verification off!

@csp: I didn't know they were trying to connect the two, how fucking stupid! I've never had to wait over 4 or 5 minutes for the shuttle and it takes all of about three minutes to get there! 20 billion dollars? That is fucking nuts!

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

WOW...csp left me in his dust..up....WOW...most yankee fans got off at 125th....awq GCT...what can be said?....
So, you can set up an orchestra down this end of the railway station playing one particular area, and simultaneously at the other end something completely different going on. And in the middle they meet, or not, depending.
Robert Fripp


March 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

rr: Another great and fitting quote! Nice work, as always.

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Interesting Marty, thank you for the tour and for showing us around. I have never been there before.

"That opera dude looks eerily like David Lee Roth circa "The Bluegrass Years." Shiver me timbers." LOL Biff!

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTiki Bar Susie

@Tiki Bar Susie: You are more than welcome!

April 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

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