April 16, 2011
One of my favorite blogs is the EV Grieve blog. It’s a lively and often humorous mix of news and photos from the East Village of New York and beyond. And in addition to the blog itself, there’s a lively group of commenters there and I’m happy to be part of that crowd. And yesterday EV Grieve revealed that he had received his 25,000th comment at his fine blog. And the commenter was none other than me! It was truly an honor and luckily I included the word “penis” within my comment. Check it out here: No. 25,000.
What can I say about tonight’s movie, This Is Spinal Tap? It goes to 11! Hello Cleveland! Lights, camera...Spinal Tap!
¡La mierda, los subtítulos está solamente en español otra vez! ¡Favor de Por!
Further reading: Spinal Tap Fan, IMDb, All Movie and Spinal Tap.
You might also like: Chocolate Babies, The V847 Wah-Wah Pedal and Warren “Potsie” Weber.
Four Spinal Tap Drummers
(Special Thanks to the Spinal Tap Fan site for the information and links.)Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs (1945-1974)
Peter "James" Bond (1949-1977)
Mick Shrimpton (1948-1982)
Joe "Mama" Besser—David: "We assume he either returned to the world of jazz or he died."
How could I leave this behind?
P.S.Don’t forget to tune into the "Secret Weapon" Saturday Matinee, on now till 5 PM EST. “Boris” picks the tunes and DJ Gidget spins them and interweaves memorable lines from films in between. Maybe a Spinal Tap tune or line will show up today! Tune in to Woody Radio and check it out!

Reader Comments (23)
Realmente necesito ver más películas
Loved having just the funny bits. They need to do that for all movies. And I seriously want to know the process behind your You Might Also Like. I just can't imagine you googling chocolate babies :)
I love this movie
ya know i have a turn it up to eleven show on thursdays..
thank you for the plug mr marty:)
Cool news about your 25,000th comment over at EV Grieve! And I love that you included Joe "Mama" Besser in the tags. LOL! HELLO CLEVELAND!
"Spinal Tap" remains a classic.
It was the last movie I watched with my best friend "Bandito" from his hospital bed
the day before he died.
I asked him what he wanted to watch and he said "Spinal Tap",
I told him "Thanks for fucking this movie up now for the rest of my life".
We laughed, but I have not watched it in the 2 1/2 years since.
Thanks for pimping the "Secret Weapon" and thanks to Gidget for running it!
Congrats on the 25K comment!
@kari: You' ¿golpecito espinal nunca visto de VE? ¡Puesto le en su coleta de Netflix!
@Gidgie: One of my favorites too. I first saw it at the Westlake Theater in Peoria with my brother Jim on a Saturday night. There were just three other people in the theater and two of them walked out!
@Barfly: Joe "Mama" Besser is my favorite Spinal Tap!
@"Boris:" TO BANDITO! R.I.P.
I have never seen Spinal Tap, thus unable to contribute on it. EV Grieve is a very good site and thru 365 I learned about it and check it out every so often.
LOVE Spinal Tap! Reminds me of so many English bands both good & awful. Thanks, & congrats on your EV Grieve 25,000th comment!
@Al: I am simply amazed that you've never seen Spinal Tap! Run out and get a copy and watch it now, I think you'll love it!
@onemorefoldedsunset: I love this film too! I've watched it hundreds of times and always see something new that I've missed. I love the scene with Bobbi Flekman!
Sent a couple of weak theories about yr. secret mission. Not sure if you got them?
@onemorefoldedsunset: I didn't get them or probably accidentally trashed them. I get TONS of spam, could you Marty it's Folded Sunset in the subject line. I'll be mighty impressed if you figured it out!
Never mind, I found it on my internet email, I'll reply soon! Thanks!
I used to have a fuzz-wah pedal...and a beat up third hand stratocaster and a beat up fourth hand little fender practice amp back in the day. Needless to say, my landlord had issues with me...
@Jaws: Very cool! Were you ever in a band?
So the other day on your jury duty post I mentioned that I've always thought it would be cool to be on a jury. In the mail today I got a letter saying I'd been put into a pool for possible future jury members. I just came back to say I also think it would be cool to win the lottery or some other large sum of money. You never know.
@ Mad; I wasn't very good...my neighbors used to pound on the walls and the ceiling and yell; " Why don't you at LEAST learn how to PLAY that FUCKING THING!!!" But I thought that fuzz-wah pedal was the greatest thing since pay toilets, especially when I was tripping my brains out...my neighbors would beg to differ on that.
@kari: See, dreams do come true here at MAD!
@Jaws: Ha ha ha! That's hilarious!
another great flick screened on MAD...not rally hip to the fuckin' words not in engrish...congrats on MAD's mark in history—ten fifteen years down the road "Holy shitballs marty wombacher was the 25,000th commenter on ev grieve's blog"—like al 365 led me to ev grieve and a number of other places that i try to check whenever is possible...and the followin' quote is like jaw's beat up third hand stratocaster....
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.
- Robin Williams
@rr: Ha ha ha! Great quote and you worked in the penis word! Nice work, sir!
Hey Marty, we just wanted to give you a shout out because we enjoy your work, your adventures, and your sense of style. We, over at Dailyprocrastinations salute you.
@Mike Hunt: Thanks for the shout out, I tried to leave a comment at your blog, but I don't think it took it. I'll try again after I put up today's post. Please say hi to your cousin, Bill Vagina for me!
@Marty, Bill said Hi and told me to tell you to not take any wooden nickels....whatever that means.
@Mike Hunt: Shit, I traded all my belongings for a tub of wooden nickles last night! As always, Bill is a day late and three dollars short with his advice!
P.S. Your blog won't take my comments, do you know why? Have you blocked me already?
This movie totally ruined Stonehenge for me. TO THIS IS SPINAL TAP! PENIS!
@Biff: It ruined Stonehenge for Spinal Tap too. TO THIS IS SPINAL TAP! PENIS!