April 24, 2011
Live, from New York it’s Cheeseburger Saturday Night. Starring my apartment with a special appearance from the Food Emporium in Union Square and featuring the Ready for Prime Beef Player, Marty Wombacher. And now, please welcome, my apartment!
I thought I'd stay home tonight and make a cheeseburger from home. Tomorrow's a big day at the Mars Bar, so I decided to stay home. But we have to go get ingredients so it's off to the Food Emporium we go. And now...Fruit! From the Farmer's Market on 14th Street.
Regular tomatoes are $1.99. I wonder how much the irregular ones are? They usually taste better.
Holy shitballs, they're selling computers here for 99 cents! I wonder how much the iPickle is going for?
Union Square Park is a little lively as it's finally starting to warm up a little.
And here we are at the Food Emporium to get our ingredients for tonight's homemade cheeseburger.
Check this out.
It's a scale for customers to use.
So you have to climb up on this thing to weigh yourself? And you'd fall right over yourself trying to read the results. This thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen!
Okay, all the ingredients are in place, back to my apartment to make tonight's Saturday Night Cheeseburger.
And here's the ingredients for tonight's cheeseburger meal. From left, red chili popcorn, ground sirloin, Jerk Sauce (yes, I bought it just so I could type in the words, "Jerk Sauce"), A.1. Sauce and in the front a Kaiser roll and WisPride Sharp Cheddar cheese spread. Everything one could want for a cheeseburger meal.
And the background music is my favorite Rolling Stones album, "Beggars Banquet." I added a little graffiti, see if you can find it.
Here's the burger seasoned with pepper, hot curry powder and a liberal dose of mustard powder.
I made a marinade of the A.1. Sauce, Jerk Sauce (Jerk Sauce!) and a dollop of Italian dressing. We'll let that sit in the fridge for about a half an hour and have a beer or three.
Okay, a half an hour and four beers (burp) later, here's the burger cooking in my electric skillet.
I applied a couple of mountains of the WisPride cheese spread and covered to let it melt.
And here it is in all its melted glory. Holy smokes, its grown cheese tits!
I cut the Kaiser roll in half and spread cheese on them put them in the toaster oven. Okay, time to put this all together.
And here it is, in all its cheesey glory, tonight's cheeseburger.
And here's the entire meal, plated with the red chili popcorn.
A great burger, if I do say so myself and I just did, so there! And what did I watch while eating this feast?
Fugitive Girls! It came in the mail today, look for it next Friday night. Goodnight and see you all tomorrow after dark.
My MealThis is the best cheeseburger I have ever made and it was inspired by the cheeseburger I had at Whitman’s. Mine wasn’t quite as good, so Whitman’s is still the one to beat. The popcorn went well with the burger and there is no finer movie to watch while eating a cheeseburger, some popcorn and a beer than Fugitive Girls!
Cheeseburger Rating: Three Wimpy’s
Further reading: Food in Mouth, cooks.com, Cheese-Burger.net and Homemade Vs. McDonalds.
You might also like: Fuzzy Vodka, Fuzzy Duffy Bags and Fuzzy’s Taco.
Five Cheese Jesus’s
Cheese Jesus on Uncyclepedia
Grilled Cheese Jesus
Three Cheese Jesus Pizza
Cheese Toast Jesus
Cheeto Jesus
We ain’t got no friends,
Our troubles never end,
No business cards to send,
Daddy likes men.
Bonus Photos!
We've been on a swizzle stick kick here, inspired by a post at Jeremiah's Vanishing New York a few days ago. Yesterday, Grade "A" Karen sent in some photos of some swizzle sticks from the collection she and Jon have over at the Grade "A" Fancy publishing and cocktail compound. Check these out!
Reader Comments (25)
Burger looks as good as anything you get out,,,good job. Swizzle stick from Hotel Elysee caught my attention because that's where the famous Monkey bar is,,,ever been there? Those old swizzle sticks got me looking at my old one's here,,,,most places are gone now. Wish I was up there tonight,,,Neil Young in concert, NYC.
Awesome looking burger ! and it looks like with all the ingredients - very tasty. I have to try Whitman's next month ........ I've heard too much about how good they are.
The apple computer picture..LOL! Great cheeseburger post, you can whip up a mean cheeseburger, must be from all your observations over the past year. Love those swizzle sticks from Grade A Fancy! And the cheesy Jesus links...LMFAO!
Have fun at Mars Bar! Will have to get back there before the end.
"Didja get me my cheese wiz boy?" - The Blues Brothers movie. Processed cheese spread on a cheeseburger? I never would have thought it...a new one on me, but it looked like it worked out perfectly. A1 sauce and jerk sauce marinade...sound's like a winning combo, and I'm gonna have to try that myself. I think I may have mentioned a couple of months ago that Vegemite works quite well when applied to beef just before you broil it.
@Al: I won't be going to Neil Young, as there's a Mars Bar BBQ!
@GENE: You have to try a Whitman's burger next time you're here, the best cheeseburger on earth!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Thanks, if there's any way you can squeeze it in, stop by. I think some folks from EV Grieve are going to be there. Speaking of that, how come your tree entrees aren't showing up?
@Jaws: I don't know that quote from the movie, what part is that in? I'll have to watch it again!
Something about Jake and Elwood entering the lobby of a fleabag hotel, an old guy asks;" Didja get me my cheese wiz boy?" It's been awhile, but I remember that line.
I wonder if any non-customers have come in wanting to use their scale. Maybe in NY people just wander the streets looking for scales to use. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I have those same plates. My ex picked them out when we got married. Wow, that is just a bit of cheese there!
Fuzzy tacos are awesome! I have to go share that with some DoCo people...
I tell you, I seem to be ousted from the competition! No news, no mention. What's with that???
" And the background music is my favorite Rolling Stones album, "Beggars Banquet." I added a little graffiti, see if you can find it "
....... MAD ...... by the toilet paper on the front of the cd ...... :)
good lookin' cheeseburger...interestin' marinade like i mean "jerk sauce"...fancy A has a nice swizle collection...sorta makes me wish i had all the ones that have been swizzled by me....is it just me but hearts don't really look like a heart?...the original cover of "beggar's banquet" was totally different than this re-issue...
Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut?
-Jack LaLanne
Looks good. The best burger is decent meat-made into a patty and pan fried or broiled. I have a twist Marty--I put the cheese in the middle and cover it up and broil.Bon Appetit.
We've got a few glass swizzle sticks sitting in the kitchen drawer somewhere. I'll see if I can find some Aussie themed ones and I'll post them over.
Great burger, by the way! Looking forward to the Mars Bar tomorrow. I'll tap a few cold buds and see you there!
@Jaws: I'll look for that scene, thanks!
@Jason: Excuse you.
@kari: I've only got two of the plates, say hi to everyone at Dooce for me!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Only the ICTTS know for sure, those sons of bitches!
@GENE: That's one, there's one more.
@rr: The record company wouldn't allow the Stones to use this in the states when it first came out. Hence the white invitation cover we first got. Nice Lalanne quote!
@Melanie: That sounds good, you should post a picure of it!
@Clacky: It was another epic Easter at the Mars Bar. Post will be up soon. Looking forward to seeing your swizzles, my dizzles!
@MAD ....... " Sheesh! " .... :)
@GENE: You got it! I'll buy you a beer for winning this contest when you come back! Mars Bar post coming up in about an hour, stay tuned!
People USED to use that scale to measure out dime bags and such. NOW they just use it to weigh their balls. DAMN YOU, GIULIANI!!!!!!
P.S. The burger looks great. Can't go wrong with cheese tits.
@Biff: Cheese tits rule any day of the week! You can't beat them with a stick...well you could, but that would be just plain mean.
I see no glass swizzle sticks at the Mars Bar either, what has the world come too?
But at least your cheeseburger had nice tits.
Four Beers and a cheese burger with tits, It just doesn't get any better than that!
In a box somewhere, I've got some glass swizzle sticks from The Oak Room, The Top of the Sixes and a few other places. When I find them, they're yours
@Harry: Thank you so much! That's very nice! Thanks for chiming in and following the MAD blog!
Hey, Marty, one question: is that the CD version of Banquet that they fucked up by cleaning up the mix? Or the one that restored most of the lovely vinyl murk? Gotta ask, can't help it!
looks like it is unusual to see a scale in a supermarket in USA! funny!! most of supermarket have a scale in France, you put your apple on a bag, you weight, you press the code for apples, the scale give you the ticket price and you stick it on your
assbag! so when you're broke, you press the potatoes code for all your veggies/fruits and get good prices, most of the time the cashier do not check if you get the right tickets prices!!Fuck! only 99c for apples!! we get apples for 2,50$ in France! what a scam!
@Zioum Zioum: $2.50 for an apple? I hope Jason likes potatoes!