May 31, 2011
I had a big day yesterday and put up a huge post. It took me over two hours to do, so today, since it’s a holiday, I thought I’d take it easy. I was going to go somewhere and get something to eat, but since it’s Memorial Day, I thought I’d have a cookout. I was out all day yesterday, so I’ve decided to have an indoor cookout. I’ve got the indoors, all I need now is something to cook. To the Food Emporium!
And through the magic of the internet, here we are.
And, again, through the magic of the internet, you're spared the shopping experience and get to gaze at this pretty woman who rang me up.
It's warm out tonight and the streets are still somewhat deserted, thanks to the holiday weekend.
Here's the inside of Union Square Park. I'm so happy summer's finally here!
Now it's time to show you the ingredients for tonight's meal. First off, I thought I'd have an appetizer and for that I got some shaved ham slices, Genoa salami, Italian crackers and Velveeta cheese.
For the main course, I decided I would make my own version of a Sloppy Joe. So I got two ground beef patties that have cheese and bacon mixed in with them, and for the sauce I got Stubbs Barbecue sauce, spicy mustard, A-1 Sauce and Italian dressing. In the bag is a fresh croissant. Let's get cooking!
But first...
Let's uncork a beer! I think I'll have the giant Budweiser.
Okay, first we'll brown the ground beef. I've also seasoned it with pepper and Coleman's mustard powder.
Okay, now I've added all the sauces and mustard and poured a splash of beer to turn the beef into a Sloppy Joe mixture. And by God it does look sloppy!
We'll cover it up and just let it simmer for a while.
Okay, while that simmers, I'm going to have the appetizer. It's a simple one, I just stacked Velveeta cheese, Genoa salami and ham on top of four Italian crackers and added a dollop of the spicy mustard to each one. (Sorry, Kari!)
Here's a fuzzy shot of it, delicious and went well with the giant beer!
Okay, three beers later and everything's ready! The Sloppy Joe mixture smells great!
For a twist, instead of a hamburger bun, I sliced a croissant in half and covered them with Velveeta cheese and toasted them.
And here's the finished product. Oh look, they're spooning, how cute! It was delicious if I do say so myself and I just did, so there! Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day, now I have to get ready for work. Ecch! Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
Further reading and listening: Home Alone, Home Cooking, Home on the Range and Little House on the Prairie.
You might also like: Pickle Juice, Pickles and Juice.
Three Other Sloppy Joes
Joey Buttafuoco
Kangaroo Joey
I'll build a bonfire of my dreams,
And burn a broken effigy of me and you.

Reader Comments (38)
After yesterdays epic adventure, this was a perfect follow up. Those appetizers do look like they would go fantastic with a Budweiser - even an American one. Here is the fan write in question of the day. Do you usually have three or four brands of beer kicking around the fridge or are those guest beers that got orphaned. Part two of the question is - do you usually save those for a 'Holy Shit ! I ran out of Bud' moment, or try and finish them up fast in case the guest returns looking for them?
Dancing around while eating a sloppy joe is not a good idea, that comercial ought to come with a warning. There should have been sloppy joe residue all over those dancing teenagers they hired for that comercial, not to mention the camera lens.....
Butafuuuuuuuuoco...I remember David Letterman got a lot of milage out of trying to pronounce that guy's name. I can't wait for Zioum Zioum to chime in on those croissants of yours, Marty.
Nice holiday post and both the appetizers and sloppy joe look fantastic! You cook very well with your limited kitchen! And yeah, I'm back at work too. Blah!
Holy heartburn Marty!
Just for Posterity's sake: Not only did the world not end on May 21st, the 29th was so nice, it happened twice. Where's your God now Harold Camping?
Gross. But your sloppy joe does look pretty good. I'm glad you had a relaxing holiday, but I kinda hope there was some dancing like in the Libby's commercial (sorry Jaws). And I do like pickle juice.
It's one billion degrees outside today ... this post made me sweat even more :(
@Marty in Montreal: The bottles of Sol were indeed orphaned from a six pack that Shawn generously brought over the night of the Coney Island adventure. The bottles of Red Stripe were left over from when I had guests over and wanted to be able to offer them something more than just Budweiser. And yes, they will sit there till I am Budweiserless some night! You're an astute observer, my friend!
@Jaws: I thought the same thing while watching that commercial!
@Barfly: I never know how something's going to turn out, because I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to cooking, but that was one of the better things I've ever cooked! A pleasant surprise and a nice relaxing dinner! And yeah, I'm leaving for work now. Blah, indeedy!
@csp: Luckily it wasn't heartburn inducing and I get heatburn easily! And I noticed that last night and put in an update. I would've fixed it, but then anyone who linked to it wouldn't work anymore.
@kari: I knew you wouldn't like the mustard! And I like pickle juice too, especially after a shot of whiskey! I learned that on the bar crawl!
@GENE: It's hot here too!
I home cooked meal is good because you made it yourself so you know what's in that sloppy joe's. The commercial is so sixties,,,I love that,,,,I saw one earlier today about Sucrets throat lozenges from the sixties and the guy pulls the tin box out of his pocket in the rain, opens the box and unwraps the lozenge, pops it in his mouth, then about two seconds later he lights up a cigarette, with the lozenge still in his mouth,,,just to show how commercials have changed over the years, no sense letting a sore throat keep you from smoking,,,,,lol
I like that there's nothing in your fridge except beer.
@MAD: Oh what a tangled web we weave. Should've known you were aware. Congrats on your Yip-Yip.
Uh, while that first shot of your sloppy joe looks very, very barfish, I must say that once you put it on your croissant halves, it looked delish (even though I, myself, prefer a good old-fashioned hamburger bun for my joes). Glad you enjoyed a relaxing evening at home. Now get back out there and show me the city!
@Al: Post a link to that Sucrets ad if you can find it again, I'd love to see that!
@Goggla: I'm an apprentice Chillmaster!
@csp: Yip-Yip???
@Biff: A guy I work with said the same thing! I'm back out tonight for Swizzle Stick Tuesday!
Marty, my outlook is messed up and I could only get you this info here. I found a guy who sells swizzle sticks and everything else. You might like this.
@Mike Hunt: Wow, thanks for the information! I will definitely check this out, maybe I can take a late night excursion there!
i like that the ol' timey sloppy joe's were available in "beef" (quotes included on the commercial)!
i agree with biff, was a little grossed out in the beginning, but the end result looked delicious! loved that old time commercial too! that!
Hey Marty,,,,here's the Sucrets link,,,
Ahhhh the delights of Urban Cook
outsins!Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Amy Fisher.
Amy Fish...***BANG!***
@Spike: I didn't see the quotes, hilarious! Thanks for pointing that out!
@rita r: It turned out to be delicious, although I don't know if I could recreate it!
@Al: Thanks! I'll check it out later!
@Harry: Ha! Amy Fisher's doing porn now! I wonder how long till her and Joey team up for a film? Excuse me, my lunch is coming up now!
How I spent my Memorial Day
I dropped by Lindsay Lohan’s place with a pitcher of sangria, an eight ball, and hoped for the best, but nuttin’ was goin’ on…. Fuckin Aye, Man! So I went to the White House, jumped the fence and offered Michelle 50 bucks for a lap dance, and got arrested… Fuckin Aye, Man! So I sat in jail seein’ how many how many dirty words I could make from the letters in my last name. They let me out…. Fuckin Aye, Man! So I spent the rest of the day, tryin’ to nail anything that moves! Fuckin Aye, Man!
Memorial Day Tips:
When you pick up chicks at the beach, ask them up front not to shoot your wife in the head
Put a quart of tequila and a bag of Cheetos in a blender, you can thank me later.
Fuckin Aye, Man…
Yeah - I'm with Kari on the mustard - I don't even like to smell it around me. I am very impressed that you were able to cook anything in your "kitchen" - bravo!
Also - I fixed your comment problem - as I explained on my blog, I'm pretty sure it's because you called my kids cardboard box people - it's karma, baby!
@Joey: Great to hear from you! I'll thank you right now for those fine tips! Fuckin' Aye, Man!
@Britta: Sounds like your whole family is mustard haters! Thanks for fixing me up at your blog, I replied back to you there.
Actually our parents are mustard lovers. But Britta and I bonded over our disdain for the stuff.
@MAD: Sorry. Wikipedia said a Yip-Yip was a Southern Illinois term for a Sloppy Joe, was just seeing if it made it as far North as Peoria. It didn't. I don't know how people couldn't like Mustard, it's a gas.
@csp, thank you for giving me another reason to dislike it! And I'm sorry to all the commentators for giving so much attention to stuff :)
Oh, first I thought I was gonna hurl....but the sloppy joe's didn't turn out too bad in the end considering you don't have much of a kitchen to speak of....Gotta do a cook out next time I'm in local.
Enjoy your beer soaked summer....It's been non stop raining and cold here for 4 days now....
Marty, that Sloppy Joe looks both vile & strangely compelling! The croissant touch is awfully schmantzy...
@csp: I've never heard of Yip-Yip till now! Thanks for the explanation!
@Clacky: It really did turn out good. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to cooking, so I stick to the basics and just try to add a little twist here and there. And it sounds like our weather situation has reversed itself. It's been hot and sunny here, finally I get to gloat!
@onemorefoldedsunset: I know, I thought more people would be grossed out by it. And every now and again I get a little fancy-schmantzy!
I'm a die-hard vegetarian but you wanna know my first thought was when looking at your pics? "Marty really knows how to live!" :) Your shopping supplies photographed so carefully and happily made me smile. :)
lot too say but this evil computer is startin' to act flaky...
MAD...strange but the endin' looked damn fine...'inside cookout"...subtle MAD humor?...
Mike Hunt...thomas cary looks like someone MAD should interview in MAD's unique way...
GENE...better than paying for heat...
more but...
I think it bespeaks a generous nature, a man who can cook.
Jilly Cooper
@Roger_Paw: Glad you got a smile out of it!
@rr: Yes, that was a little of the old MAD humor. And even with a struggling computer you pulled up a great quote!
I thought you were gonna save that tall boy for your thirsty old Uncle. Oh well...sip ahoy!
I would love to see Marty interview Thomas Cary. His apartment/showroom looks legendary and I would love to see the interview, especially if Marty got a few double gin and tonics in Thomas.
Hmm. You can make fun of Amy Fisher, Mary-Jo and Joey Buttafuco ; but from that tragic love triangle a career was born. Of course in retrospect, I don't think their intention was putting Steve Dunleavy on the tabloid map. Damn you Rupert Murdoch, damn you Steve Dunleavy, and damn you Clacky for being Australian too. Mental note: Stop waking up at 4 am and commenting on Marty's blog.
@Uncle Waltie: There's always a tallboy in my fridge for you! Sip ahoy!
@Mike Hunt: I'm working on that interview, thanks for the tip! Stay tuned!
@csp: I've met Steve Dunleavy and he's all you would expect him to be!
Sorry i got to the party late! So what do we have here? Some Marty BBQ and Delicious Beer? Looks like a grand holiday Fest! Yum and Belch! Now lets watch some TV!
@Professor Dungpie: It was MartyQ! And you're never late as long as you have some beer! Cheers, Motherfucker!
If you order a "Yip Yip" in St. Louis, all you will get is a strange look and a quick "What the heck is a Yip Yip?". One bar 20 miles north of StL calls them that, and put it on Wikipedia. It's no longer there.