June 28, 2011
Okay, I had a big day/night yesterday at the Chillmaster Dance Party II, so tonight I thought I’d take it somewhat easy and just wander around the West Village and snap photos of neon, signs and maybe a person or two. A totally unplanned night, let’s go see what happens.
Usually I go somewhere and just shoot tons of photos and hope I can make a little movie of the night in static photos here, quality be damned, it's the story that counts. Tonight I thought I'd take ten photos and really try to make them decent and pay attention to composition and all that jazz. And I'm just doing one take for each photo, so here goes what will probably be nothing, but I have to go to work early tomorrow, so it's off we go. I call this one, Deja View from the liquor store on 12th street and 6th Avenue.
Cocktails from Charlie Mom restaurant on 12th and 6th.
Creepy baby alert in a baby store on 10th between 6th and Greenwich Avenue.
The Layfayette French Pastry store on Greenwich Avenue near 10th Street. They sell ice cream cakes and logs. Logs?
The Waverly Diner on the corner of Waverly and 6th. I've had 7,934 grilled cheese sandwiches in here and uncountable beers. It's a good diner.
Here's Wolfson who was enjoying some French Fries on a stoop on W. 4th Street.
Vogue magazines on 7th Avenue South near Bleecker Street.
Marilyn Monroe behind bars on 7th Avenue South.
Joe's Pizza on Carmine between Bleecker and 6th. Okay one more shot to go, let's see if we can find a friendly face to end it all up.
Further reading and watching: New York Magazine, Grub Street, Joe’s Pizza and The Happy Wanderers.
You also might like: Chocolate Chips, CHiPs and Chip.
Five People With West For A Last Name
Adam West
Leslie West
Billy West
Mae West
Kanye West
(Surprise link...click on it...I dare you!)
Bonus Links to Photos From The Chillmaster Dance Party II!
Here’s some photos from Sunday’s Chillmaster Dance Party II at some other fine blogs from fellow friends and Chillers:
One More Folded Sunset
Neither More Nor Less
The Gog Log
Slum Goddess
(Update) Bonus Photos From the Home of Jaws!
A couple months ago when I put up a post from my Fortress of Solitude, Papaya Dog, I wrote that the first person to comment would get one of the pieces of art that was featured. Jaws won, but I'm so shitty at mailing stuff out and I've been so busy it took me months to get them to him. Well I'm happy to say I finally mailed them and included a Joan Jett drawing as well as a copy of Natalie Word as bonus gifts for being so slow to get them. I'm honored that Jaws framed them and the artwork is hanging on his walls. Below are the pictures Jaws sent in and the last one is Jaws and Natalie Word, together at last! If you'd like to hang some artwork from Jaws, check out his storefront here: Jaws the Cabbie Online Store.

Reader Comments (29)
Gah!! Those babies are frightening!! Were their eyes glowing when you walked by? Yikes! I know what I'm getting you for your birthday: a creepy storefront baby and a birthday log.
I agree with Lindsay, those babies are going to give me nightmares tonight! LOL! You got some great shots out, I hope you do this more, great post!
P.S. That Hennessy shot with your reflection in it is classic!
Well that "Cocktails" sign from Charlie Mom does it for me,,,,it's perfect. Those are the Chinese restaurants I like,,,,where they serve a big bowl of noodles, with lots of shrimp. Also liked the "Joe's Pizza" for the simplicity of the sign and the place,,,get a slice right at the window and keep going,,,love it. Enjoyed the Mae West link,,,,what a sexy dame.
The creepy baby photo reminds me of two films; Children of the Damned, and a David Cronenberg epic from the early eighties called 'The Brood'. Speaking of photos, Your cartoons got to me in the mail today Marty and thirty minutes after I got back from the mailbox they each were framed and now have an honored place in my art gallery...check your e-mail! Thanx, Marty!
I love that Cocktail sign!
The Waverly was the very first diner I went to in NYC. It was 2am and I had a hankering for dollar pancakes. I recall walking up 6th Ave when big friendly squirrel ran up to be and begged to be petted. Just as I wondered why a squirrel was out so late, I realized it was a rat - and such a friendly one, too!
@ Goggla....sit up...roll over, now squeak for me boy....that's it...squeak...GOOD BOY!
@Jaws - Raaaarr!
@Lindsay: I couldn't bear to look into their eyes, it was all I could do to take the photo! And I appreciate your birthday gift sentiments, but please remember, cash always works too!
@Barfly: Glad you liked the Hennessy shot, I was pleased with that one too. I don't know much about photography so it's just a happy accident.
@Al: I love that sign too and you're absolutely right about the noodles and shrimp, that's the way they serve them here.
@Jaws: Glad they finally arrived! I'll check my email soon, it's a little nuts at work right now.
@Goggla: Nothing like a friendly NYC rat! Great story!
Whoa, those babies are creepy! I think I’ll need a
shothalf a bottle of Hennessy just to sleep tonight. Suddenly my mission has become clear....The Waverly Diner has been my on and off again fortress of solitude for quite some time. Over the years; I’ve must have had thousands of deluxe bacon cheeseburgers there, and three times as many beers.
Tip: The Lafayette French Pastry store is overpriced, and average at best.
♫ “What rolls down stairs?
alone or in pairs,
and over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack,
And fits on your back?
It's log, log, log
It's log, it's log,
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good."
Everyone wants a log
You're gonna love it, log
Come on and get your log
Everyone needs a log
log log log” ♫
Who remembers: James T. West and Dr. Miguelito Quixote Loveless?
I love the Waverly signage so much - such a classic look. It is sad that, like so many other things here, the diner is an endangered species.
Apologies if you have done this already, but I'd love to see a MADF NYC Movie Night; you could probably do both Smithereens and Downtown 81 in one shot. Another goodie is After Hours.
* MAD, not 'MADF' (wasn't trying to turn you into Madoff!)
Holy crap. I am going to have nightmares about those creepy babies!!
One of the Cardboard Box Men are smiling ! .... how cute !!!
@Harry: We've probably been in the Waverly Diner together and didn't even know it, I've been going there for years as well. I'm clueless about the remembering people, who are they? Great lyrics!
@JAZ: I've screened "After Hours" but I will certainly put those two on the schedule. And thanks for the weekend with Bernie moment!
@Meleah: Scary stuff!
@GENE: I think that Cardboard Box Man is high on something!
A couple of years ago, two Swedish chicks stopped me in front of the Waverly to ask directions. I actually knew how to get them where they were going and, in thanks, they rubbed their boobs all over me and we totally made out for 15 minutes! Actually, I may have made that last part up. But I DID give them directions. And, so, I celebrated getting my NY bearings by striding into that there diner and ordering a corned beef hash platter with a Coke, and they were delicious! It's important to note that the Waverly also has a very cool kick-ass orange juice machine which drops the whole fruit into itself via this angled ramp thingamado, and it obliterates the rind and out pops OJ - just like behind Kato's cabana. It's a great place. You captured their neon perfectly! And those large-headed babies freaked me out.
@Biff: "it obliterates the rind and out pops OJ - just like behind Kato's cabana." HA HA HA! Great one, Bifferoonie! You still gots it! And I have to look for those Swedish chicks next time I'm there, they weren't going to the Karavas Bar down the street by any chance, were they?
@Marty: Well, that's not where they were heading, but it may have been where they ended up. We should check it out next time I'm in town. You know...research.
@Marty: Hahhaha!! What type of person wants cash in place of those creepy babies? pfff! haha!!
Love the Waverly! Nice shots, but those babies are creepy, aren't they? The pharmacy (Neergaard) near me has the best window displays but is fixated on human & orangutan babies. The last baby here is a victim of neglect, I think:
@Biff: Sounds like a plan!
@Lindsay: Ha! I see your point, but I have this magical power to turn cash into beer and cheeseburgers. It's quite amazing, If I do say so myself and whoops, I just did!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Holy creeping moley! I just looked at your link and those are some scary babies. Especially that baby in the pail! Is it an advertisement for abortion? Scary stuff, but thanks for the link!
Ah, onemorefoldedsunset for the win with the creepy babies... love that one is in a bucket! hahaha!!! Guess you'll have to settle on making money turn into cheeseburgers and beer (and hot dogs!!)
what a way to "chill" after the "chillmaster's dance party II"...nice little look about...till CBM's clan...all i think 'bout now are "pods"...' cept maybe jaws gettin' a copy of "natilie word" for free and i dished out a $1 for the pdf download...aw fuck that's a joke... nice shots jaws...damn have to say to all bob, lindsey, kate, goggla, and any that i have missed try to check y'all everyday but that dude MAD has linked to so many places and i only have xxx amount of time...blah blah blah...y'all do very nice work and you are appreciated...and damn not like shawn i am not from any fucking where 'cept "my mother and father"...oh shit not enough time or space for that..
If you can find the line between sympathetic and creepy, you have reached a very funny area.
~Jason Segel
@Lindsay: I admit defeat and will be turning cold cash into cold beer in about a half an hour!
@rr: Thanks for the kind words to everyone and once again you've found the perfect quote for the evening!
Nice pics. Glad Jaws gave your drawings a good home. @Biff I may know two half swedes that don't mind rubbing their boobs on people...well I shouldn't speak for my sis.
@onemorefoldedsunset, my favorite animals are baby monkeys so I had to check out your link, those are just wrong. Wrong.
And love seeing all the extra photos from the Chillmaster party
@kari and Biff: TO BOOBIES!
@Kari - if you were referring to me, that rubbing is restricted to one person now. But he does say it's spectacular.
It's a log, it's a log - it's big, it's heavy it's wood - it's a log, it's a log - it's better than bad, it's good!
ok I guess I'll have to offer single boob rubbing experiences.