The Bar...
And here we are at the bar. Time for a drink or twelve.
Here's Francoise the bartender. I wish I knew how to spell his name, but at this point it's too late to worry.
Cheers, let's hope I don't get arrested this flight!

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And here we are at the bar. Time for a drink or twelve.
Here's Francoise the bartender. I wish I knew how to spell his name, but at this point it's too late to worry.
Cheers, let's hope I don't get arrested this flight!
Okay, it’s a traveling day as I drink my way head back to New York City. I fly from Peoria to Chicago and then to New York City. Since it’s Tuesday, I thought I’d try to get a swizzle stick in every city. And it’ll be a good excuse to have plenty of drinks to make the flying a little less nerve-wracking.
Peoria has a new airport, but I'm really just interested in one section of it...
The bar! Let's see if we get a swizzle stick with a double gin and tonic.
No swizzle stick, but as a consolation prize, we do have a green plastic sword.
En garde! I better not take this on the plane, I don't want to be mistaken for an evil-doer.
And speaking of planes here we are, up in the air on our way to...
Chicago! Let's see what the swizzle stick action is like in the windy city at O'Hare Airport.
No swizzle stick but it looks like little green swords are the new swizzles, at least in airport bars.
Rachael was seated next to me and I had a nice conversation with her. She lives in Florida, but it turns out her ex-brother-in-law manages a bar and/or restaurant in New York called Luigi's. At least I think she said he managed it, maybe he just works there and I'm not exactly sure that she said he's her ex-brother-in-law. This is what happens when you drink double gin and tonics from Peoria to Chicago. I've got the address of the place and maybe we'll check it out tonight.
And here we are back in New York Fucking City! I thought about stopping at a bar in the airport...
But I was pretty bombed tired, so I decided to head home and have one beer and hit the hay.
Aaahh...home sweet swizzle! Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
And I woke up high over Albuquerque,
On a jet to the promised land.
(Surprise on it...I dare you!)
Bonus Artwork by Jaws!
Jaws was inspired by today's surprise link and sent in this heelarious artwork! Thanks, Jaws!