May 29, 2011
It’s opening weekend at Coney Island, so what am I doing sitting here writing this? Let’s start this adventure already!
**********UPDATE: The date should be MAY 30th, 2011, but I forgot to flip my calendar and it felt like Sunday today! I can't change it or it will fuck up anybody who has linked to it, so just pretend like that says May 30th up there! Happy Memorial day!
Special guest star for today is Shawn. Shawn's a photographer, documentarian and a pilot. We had a couple beers at my place before heading out, I didn't make any of my legendary snack mix because I didn't want to fill up before we got to Coney Island.
And through the magic of the internet you're spared the agonizing subway ride that no one will take once they rip Coney Island up next year and put in sports bars and high end restaurants on the boardwalk.
And away we go!
We're not even out of the subway and the action is happening already! Shawn noticed that legendary East Village musician David Peel was walking past us. Here's a shot of David and fellow musician Sean Yox.
Shawn, David Peel and Yours Fooly. Have a marijuana, everybody!
And here we are, Coney Island! First stop...
Ruby's Bar! Last November I never thought I'd be walking in here again!
And the beautiful Kara behind the bar was quick with a beer and a lovely smile.
They had a good crowd, I hope this keeps up all season!
A view of Ruby's from where Shawn and I were seated.
It was good to see Mike, who I met on the bar crawl last year.
Classic photos on the wall.
Here's a poster for the this year's Mermaid Parade on June 24th. Update: I just got an email from Tricia at Amusing The Zillion and this is an old poster, the Mermaid Parade this year is scheduled for June 18th. Thanks, Tricia!
This sailor was making the most of Fleet Week at Ruby's!
Nighttime sets on Ruby's bar and Shawn and I decided to get something to eat.
And so it's off to the boardwalk we go!
I have to have a corn dog when I come out here, it's just part of the rules.
And they've got plenty cooked up!
I got a corn dog, a beer and a great smile from this friendly woman behind the counter. It's all smiles at Coney Island, one of the things I love about the place.
After eating, Shawn and I decided to wander around the park and take some photos. Mine are below and check out Shawn's photos and his flickr set from the night in the Bonus Photos at the end of the post.
We decided to have a nightcap at Cha Cha's.
This lovely lady was serving up daiquiris in the hut at the front of the bar. See what I mean about the smiles out here? Beautiful!
Here's Tony who was taking the cover charge of five dollars to get in. But you get a ticket for five bucks off your first drink, so everything's even Steven in here.
The bar at Cha Cha's.
Sip ahoy! (Patented catch-phrase courtesy of Uncle Waltie!)
A view from the back of the bar.
A neon-reflected photo on the wall.
Dueling photos!
Okay, time to call it a night...
After a pit stop at Nathan's!
What's so funny about peace, love and...
A cheese dog with a giganzo 32-ounce beer?
Shawn and I decided to split a car service to get back to the city. The driver let Shawn off in the East Village and I asked him to take me to the corner of 6th and 16th street and then made the sad mistake of closing my eyes and halfway passing out. I woke up and found out we were in Times Square. I asked the driver what the fuck was going on and I swear to God he was almost crying and said, "I don't know, I'm very lost!" I had to direct him to the corner of 6th and 16th Street. He's probably still out there trying to find his way home! Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
Ruby’s Coney Island Bar & Grill
1213 Riegelmann Boardwalk (Near 12th St.)
Cha Cha’s
1229 Riegelmann Boardwalk (@Stillwell Avenue)
Further reading: Amusing the Zillion, Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York, EV Grieve and 365 Bars.
You might also like: XTC, XYZ and XTZ.
Four Other Coney’s
Coney Dog
Coney Dog Sauce
Coney Detroit
Malachy Coney
(Surprise on it...I dare you!)
Bonus Photos From Shaw!
Shawn sent me some of his photos from last night and he got some fantastic shots. Check out some highlights below.