Entries in DJ Gidget (1)


August 13, 2011


Okay, as we all know from yesteray’s post, Wednesday and Thursday weren’t very good days and work and it bled on to the MAD blog a little bit. I was able to salvage Wednesday with the Santa post, but yesterday I had nothing. Tonight was better at work, but after two days of pure stress and not much sleep, I’m still pretty beat and don’t feel like going out. Luckily, in the last two days some people have sent me some photos so I’ve decided once a month on Fridays we’ll do a Random Foto Friday. And here we go.

Keeping in step with the Christmas in summer theme I started the other day, Gene Rubbico sent me these photos he took from a NYC trip in December of 2008 with his wife Smoopy. Enjoy!

Continuing in this Christmas them, MAD commenter csp sent in this photo of Brian Wilson sitting on Santa's lap he found on the internet. Ho ho ho = fun fun fun.

The fabulous DJ Gidget sent me a couple of her photographs that were featured in the Temple News Agency Block Party. Great photos, Gidget! And while perusing the messages on Woody Radio I see it was Gidget's birthday this week! Happy birthday, Gidget!

And now for the scary photos. MAD reader, Michael Nies sent in these photos and writes: "Some weird Mr Bill looking cardboard box man offshoot on the sidewalk off E. 2nd St!  It may be small, but I don't trust it, especially with those crocodile tears!  We're doomed!" All I can add is: Aaaahhhh!

Thanks to Gene, csp, Gidget and Michael for sharing the photos. If you have a photo and would like to share it here on Random Foto Friday, send it to me via email. Thanks and see you tomorrow after dark.

Further reading: Random.org, Stock Foto and Friday.

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Five Famous Photos from Five Famous Photographers

Richard Avedon
Ansel Adams
Harry Benson
Diane Arbus
Annie Liebowitz

Now all I’ve got is a photograph,
And I realize you’re not coming back anymore.


(Surprise link...click on it...I dare you!)


The Secret Weapon is on the air now! Tune into the show where "Boris" picks the tunes and DJ Gidget supplies the movie lines in between. Great fun and great tunes and it's on Woody Radio until 3pm EST today!