Entries in I wish I had some bongwater (1)


Late Post Alert

Fuck! I had to work until 4am this morning! It's now 5:11 am and today's post will be up late, probably sometime between 2 pm and 4 pm. I think I have a guest blogger taking over the main section for today's post. He generously offered to take pictures of his night out and said I'd have them by the time my shift was over. Nice! But my shift is over and there's no photos! Looks like he found out it's not so easy to be an after dark blogger! Anyway, check back to see if he came through for me. I have confidence he will and look forward to his photos and captions. If not, we can all humiliate him in the comments section! And now, unlike rust, I'm going to have a few more beers and go the fuck to sleep! I hope you had a better Friday night than I did. Thanks in advance to the mysterious guest blogger for today's post!