December 14, 2011
Okay, it’s Tuesday and that means it’s that time of the week to venture out and see if we can find a bar that still utilizes a swizzle stick in their cocktails. There’s not too many decent bars around where I work, a lot of them are what I call, “cookie cutter” bars. Generic saloons without much personality to them. Well I just found a place nearby that doesn’t look too bad and it appears to be a little on the fancy side, so maybe we’ll score a swizzle tonight. The bar is called Stitch Bar & Lounge and it’s a New York magazine critics pick. So let’s go see if a Stitch in time produces a swizzle stick.
Okay, straight up 8th Avenue for seven blocks and we're there.
This reminds me of that joke: "A dyslexic man walks into a bra." (Rimshot.)
And here we are at Stitch Bar and Lounge. The word "Stitch" blinks on and off and I'm having trouble getting a shot where it's lit.
Fuck! This is really starting to piss me off!
Motherfucker, it's like the sign is mocking me!
Finally! Let's go in and get a drink, I need one after that!
Holy shitballs, it's packed in here. And it's louder than fuck. I have tinnitus in my left ear and if music is played at a certain level it makes it howl. This music is about two levels louder than that. Plus people are screaming at each other and it just adds to the noise in here. To quote the Animals, "We gotta get out of this place."
Luckily I passed a place on the corner that doesn't look too bad.
It's called the Houndstooth Pub and I think it won't be so ear-shattering inside.
Okay, not a bar I would normally hang out in, but not nearly as loud and it doesn't look too bad.
It's a round, circular marble-topped bar and it's fairly crowded.
I spy a seat at the left side of the bar, so let's snag it.
No swizzle sticks here, just two red straws. Oh well, maybe next week. Wah, wah, wah, waaaah.
Here's the view of the candle-lit bar from my perch.
The specials are written on a chalk board on the wall opposite the bar.
There's a festive Christmas tree in the front area of the bar.
Jeremiah Weed? Could this be the stoner cousin of Jeremiah Moss?
And in the end there'! (It's been awhile!) Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.
Houndstooth Pub
520 Eighth Ave. (at 37th St.)
Further Reading: Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York, New York Magazine and facecrack.