Entries in Party City (1)


Party City and James Gandolfini

Let's go see if this really is a Party City inside.

I have to admit, it's pretty festive in here!

Is it me, or does this sound like cat food for your children?

Nothing screams, "Elegance" like plastic hats and tiaras!

Puffy Shirt alert!

The words, "drug mule" just entered my mind for some reason.

Rush, rush, a true Paula Abdul moment.

Celebrity Sighting at Party City!
Okay, so I’m taking goofy photos inside and I look to my left and who’s looking at New Year’s Eve boxes, but  actor James Gandolfini. I did a double take and he noticed me and I could see a “here we go” moment coloring his face. I approached and said, “Do you mind if I take your photo?”

He winced and said, “I’d prefer if you didn’t, it’s kind of crowded in here.”

“Okay, that’s why I asked,” I answered back.

“That was really nice of you to ask!” He shot back smiling and extended his hand out.

“My name’s Marty,” I said while shaking his hand.

“I’m Jim,” he said, nodding his head a bit. “Thanks again for your consideration, that’s rarely done in this town.”

“No problem, have a great night and a happy new year,” I replied.

“You too, have a great new year,” he said walking away and disappearing into the aisles.

Oh, if he only could have seen me taking the photo of the Angry 7-Eleven man a couple of hours ago! Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom!