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October 6, 2011

A couple weeks ago I tried going to the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center, but arrived too late. I’m working days this week and if there’s no work, I can leave earlier than usual. Tonight I lucked out and I’m getting out early, so I thought I’d try again. It’s kind of a warm up for my upcoming Empire State Building visit.

And here we are at Rockefeller Center.

The entrance to the Top of the Rock is a couple doors down from the main entrance.

Here's the line for the elevator. It took about ten minutes to get inside of one, and when it started up...

The lights went out and overhead colored lights went on overhead. People were screaming and the elevator zoomed up 67 floors. I hate heights and had a full-blown anxiety attack on the way up, by the time the doors opened up I was covered in sweat. I have an intense fear of heights and realized this might have been somewhat a mistake.

No way could I get as close to  the window as these people. It was a windy night and I swear the building was moving.

These two were leaning into the window. I secretly hoped the window pane would fall out and they'd go crashing down to the ground for their foolishness to get so close to it.

No way could I do this. I'm feeling pretty dizzy at this point. A real Tommy Roe moment.

i summoned up all my courage and got as close to the window for this shot of Manhattan at night.

I'm starting to feel sick.

There's a little lounge area inside, but sadly they don't sell beer.


I won't be NBCing this place anytime soon. And don't hold your breath for the Empire State Building visit. Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.

Further reading: Wikipedia, Trip Advisor and Rockefeller Center.

When i see you sky as a kite,
As high as i might,
I can't get that high.

(Surprise link...click on it...I dare you!)


De Plane, de plane!

Jaws sent in this fear-inducing heights photo. Yikes!


Bob Arihood by Jefferson Siegel

Photo by Jefferson Siegel

Jefferson Siegel wrote a great article about East Village Photographer/Writer, Bob Arihood in this week's Villager. Check it out online here: Beloved Blogger Arihood's Loss Leaves a Hole in Heart of Ave. A


Bonus Photo From Crazy Eddie!

Since we're discussing heights and aerial views today, Crazy Eddie sent in this classic, which is titled, "Moon Over The WTC." Ha! Thanks Crazy Eddie!

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Reader Comments (25)


I like the "Rock" better than the Empire State Building ..... better picture taking opportunities. Last time I was up there it was 17 degrees outside - and we stayed up there for 2 1/2 hours -- waiting for darkness to fall - so I could get some good nightime pix to go with the daytime pix.

Glad I'm not afraid of heights !

103rd Floor - 1,353 feet up

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

Now why would they do that, with the elevator and the lights and whatnot? That's just mean.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

You know, it's funny how acrophobia works...I've had flying lessons before, and I've been at the stick of both sailplanes and powered aircraft, and once my instructor friend did a WWII style strafing run on the control tower of the little airfield where I took my lessons out of just to watch my eyes bug out and my skin change color as we pulled both positive and negative G-force in a single engine private plane (his idea of a funny joke) while I was in the co-pilots seat. I had the time of my life, I love to fly! But when I'm standing on the edge of a big drop (like the top of an office building looking down) it freaks me out to the nth degree and makes me physically ill. When I'm in a plane...no problem!

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

P.S. - You couldn't get me to do what those surprise link guys are doing, even at fucking gunpoint.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

@GENE: Is that your photo? If so UFB to you! Great shot! Thanks for the link, even though it made me more than dizzy looking at it.

@Biff: I agree, the elevator thing was really fucking annoying.

@Jaws: I hate heights and I hate to fly in a plane. I also have bad claustrophobia and that mixed in with a fear of heights equals heavy boozing before takeoff! Luckily, there's always a bar open in airports, the only thing I like about flying is sitting in one of those!

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Get your barf bag ready: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7383158n

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

You've brought out the fiend in me today, Marty!

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

@Biff: Yikes! That video gave me a Batman flashback!

@Jaws: A fiendish clip indeed! I'll post your photo you sent me soon.

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

I've always found it odd that many (if not most) people are afraid of heights, but are perfectly fine crossing the street without looking, or better yet, making fun of me for waiting for the oncoming taxi/bus.garbage truck to come to a complete stop before using the cross-walk. "Come ON! We have the right of way." I've seen what speeding hunks of metal measured in tons can do to flesh; I always figure they have the right of way.
But I'm off topic.
You realize that Cardboard Box Man has become an evil gestalt permanently wired into your grey matter ?

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

^^ err, my point was heights not so scary if there are no randomly moving parts.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

Look at the surprise link...the guy on the far right is drinking a bottle of booze...holy shitballs

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertehennessey

@MAD ...... no -- it's not my photo -- but I've been out on that thing (Sears Tower/Willis Tower Chicago). At first I was like the chick on the left in the photo ...... one foot in the building - one in the box -- until I got the nerve to go all the way out. I'm not really afraid of heights - but that did take a few minutes to get used to the idea ......... that is a long way up there --- that ledge is one story further up than the whole Empire State Building.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

That elevator ride seems like a horrid experience. What sadistic mind came up with THAT?!

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

"People were screaming and the elevator zoomed up 67 floors. I hate heights and had a full-blown anxiety attack on the way up, by the time the doors opened up I was covered in sweat. I have an intense fear of heights and realized this might have been somewhat a mistake."

Um, yeah, I would have been freaking out with you.

Heights? No thank you.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

@csp: "You realize that Cardboard Box Man has become an evil gestalt permanently wired into your grey matter ?" I do now and I'm starting to feel a little ill.

@tehennessey: That guy's my new hero!

@GENE: UFB! I could not even go near that without heaving bricks!

@Lindsay: It was horrible, luckily it only lasted a few minutes.

@meleah: You'd height it...I mean hate it!

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Robert Smith is my first love, and that is a fantastic song. Good choice! I'm not afraid of heights as long as I don't feel like there's a real danger to fall. A safety rail or a window, and I'm totally good. Sitting on a beam, just chillin'? No thanks.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBritta

Marty! In case of heights..The Netherlands is your place! Highest point here is 1059 ft! Flat country ;-) Besides that... The Netherlands sucks haha!

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRuben Dutch

Liked the surprise link today. I don't know how they could sit there on that beam. I don't like heights either.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAl

@Britta: I've always liked the Cure too. A friend of mine toured with them as an auxiliary guitarist and said they were real nice people. Not as mopey as you'd think!

@Ruben Dutch: I may need to move there, if so, the first round's on me!

@Al: That photo makes my skin crawl. At least the one guy has the good sense to be drinking booze up there!

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

You're suffering for your blog, Marty - a noble cause! Don't have a fear of heights, but places where there's no barrier are creepy. The NYU library mezzanine, before they put the barrier up to stop people jumping, was a very weird place to look down from & it did give you that horrible sensation of wondering what it would be like to jump - nothing to stop you & it would just take a second to ... aagh! Same with the Guggenheim. Scariest plane ride I took was in the Congo - had to climb a rope ladder to get into the plane & there were no seat belts, & the seats were very poorly secured to the floor. And there were chickens (live,feathered ones!) onboard. Flew over the rainforest to Kisingani - Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Bit of a trip. Oh & when we landed, got held at gunpoint by the military, in the deserted airport as rainwater dripped through the ceiling.

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteronemorefoldedsunset

@1morefoldedsunset: Yeah, I hear ya. But that's pretty typical of all Southwest flights. At least your bags and farm stock flew free. (What were you doing in the Congo?)

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercsp

@onemorefoldedsunset: I'm with csp, I need to hear this story! I never would've lasted on that flight!

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Sheesh, csp - no Southwestern for me then. Sadly, by the time we got out of the airport our baggage had NOT traveled free & the chickens were gone.
Visiting Kisingani - vacation!. Stayed in a hotel that was hotter & more cockroach/mosquito infested than I could have imagined. Outside the room a parrot in a cage whistled the theme from Bridge Over the River Kwai. Over & over. Alphonse, the mostly empty zoo's only chimpanzee, smoked cigarettes (after ripping off the filters). Belgian priests (White Fathers) sold ivory in the cathedral. Got sunburnt through clothes. Spent a lot of time in the one air-conditioned bar!

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteronemorefoldedsunset

YIKES...Holy Heights Batman....MAD Phaces a Phobia....(a movie in the makin')

would like to hear that congo story myself...

Keep your feet on the ground and your thoughts at lofty heights.
Peace Pilgrim


October 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

@onemorefoldedsunset: I think you could get a book out of that vacation! it sounds wild and I can't wait to hear more!

@rr: "MAD Phaces a Phobia" Ha ha ha! Good one! And a wonderful quote as always, thanks!

October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

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