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July 4, 2011

Okay, tonight I’m having drinks and a Sunday dinner with my friend, Paul Scanlon. I met Paul via last year’s bar crawl and you can read that right here: Paul and Marty on the Bar Crawl. Okay, let’s head off to Mumbles bar and start the Sunday off with a few drinks.

We're starting out a little early tonight, so it's still light out, but it will be dark by the end of the evening.

On my way to Mumbles I catch a glimpse of that god-awful T.G.I. Fridays across from Union Square Park How sad that it's still in business. Eat at local places, people!

And here we are at Mumbles Restaurant and Bar.

There's the bar and I see a couple familiar faces right off the bat.

There's Paul with a swizzle stick offering for the MAD swizzle stick collection. It's from the legendary Tadich Grill in San Francisco. Thanks, Paul!

And here's Hal the friendly bartender with an ice cold bottle of Budweiser. We can officially start the Sunday evening now.

A pile of Sunday papers sit at the bar.

Hal in action behind the bar.

A few drinks later and the lovely Sarah takes over behind the bar. In addition to bartending duties, Sarah sings and plays guitar in not one, but two bands here in New York. The band's are System Noise and the other is The Sometime Boys. System Noise are playing next Saturday, July 9th at the Parkside Lounge. Sarah told me they're scheduled to go on around 10pm. Go and check them out, I know I'll be there!

We decided to have dinner at Old Town Bar, a familiar stop here at MAD. Shit, it's still light out!

Usually it's crowded in here on Sunday nights, but since it's a holiday weekend, there's plenty of seats at the bar. Nice!

Booths line the wall opposite the bar.

They have a well stocked bar, here at Old Town.

I love vintage cash registers and this one's a classic.

The tin ceiling's are high in here and illuminated by antique chandeliers. A real slice of old school New York.

And Sunday dinner has arrived! I got the bacon grilled cheese and I think it's the best grilled cheese sandwich in New York!

Paul got the burger and fries and you can't go wrong with the burger in here.

And of course I have to take a shot of the massive urinals, which leads to...

Obligatory bathroom mirror shot!

And finally, it's dark outside. Goodnight everybody and see you tomorrow after dark.

Further reading: Mumbles Bar, New York Magazine, Old Town Bar and Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York.

You also might like: Salt Water Taffy, Salt Lake City and A Salt and Battery.

Four Fifths

230 Fifth
Fifth of Jack Daniels
Fifth Amendment
Fifth of July

Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July,
Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July.


(Surprise link...click on it...I dare you!)

Bonus Cardboard Box Man Photo From Kari!
MAD commenter and Leaf Girl Blogger, Kari, sent in the Cardboard Box Man sighting on the streets of Salt Lake City. He’s everywhere...aaaaaahhh!

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    Football is actually 1 of the most significant sports in America. It has a major following.

Reader Comments (19)

Mumbles wasn't named after the Dick Tracy character...was it? @ Kari and Marty...OMG...the minions of Cardboard Box Man are into tagging now, the end must be near...HAW! That grilled cheese and bacon looks like a plate full of heaven...I'm gonna have to try and make one and see how it works out. Can't wait to see you and Uncle Waltie tricked out in sips ahoy T-shirts and standing side by side Marty.

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

Great to see Paul Scanlon on the MAD trail! Sarah's a cutie and it's always nice when you stop off at Old Town, a classic NY bar! Happy 4th of July, love that song by X, by the way!

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBarfly

I like the painted Mumbles Restaurant sign! Very cool if you compare it with the T.G.I. horizon pollution! I wish you guys a great 4th of July from The Netherlands!

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRuben Dutch

@Jaws: I'm ordering two this evening!

@Barfly: It was great to see Paul again and Happy 4th of July to you too!

@Ruben Dutch: "T.G.I. horizon pollution" Ha ha ha! Good one, Ruben! Thanks for the international 4th of July wish! Good to hear from you and I hope you're having a great day!

July 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Happy 4th everyone !

The only thing that could make it better would be if it was always the Friday closest to July 4th :)

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

Ah crap...I missed it. Today is the 5th. Come on people! get with the times!! hahaha!
I for one would like to welcome our new cardboard overlord. I could help round up slaves to run the cardboard recycling factories (sweat shops) : I

Howdy to Paul. Good to see you back.

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClacky.


July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

@GENE: Thanks, Happy 4th to you! And that's a frightening link about Coney Island.

@Clacky: Happy 5th of July to you and yours! And quit sucking up to Cardboard Box Man!

July 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

Happy 4th of July Marty. Another great place I did not know existed!!I love grilled cheese with bacon--I notice you are having rye bread? Yes? That's okay with me. I even like grilled swiss and tomato. Thanks for all your shared adventures.

July 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

hope all had a great fourth...raise one to paul for his addition and visit to MAD...raise one to KARI for the CBM alert...raise one to MAD for allowing us to tag along on his "search"...

“When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder.”
~James H. Boren


July 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

@Melanie: You should really check out Old Town, a classic New York bar! Happy 4th to you!

@rr: I'm rasing a tallboy to your quote! Happy 4th to you and yours!

July 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

@ bebe fit shoes; !?!?!?! @Marty; I'm getting more and more comments like 'Bebe' here that have nothing to do with M.A.D. , any idea what's going on?

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

Hey - I recognize those urinals! You should dedicate a Flickr group to CBM - forget Carmen Sandiego - where in the world is CBM?!

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBritta

You look mighty happy in that urinal shot. Speaking of which, why didn't you order the hot dog? Why doesn't anyone ever order the hot dog?!?!

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

@Jaws: It's just spam, I just got rid of them and blocked them. Every now and again things like that show up. They're gone now! I'm ordering the Sip Ahoy shirts today!

@Britta: Ha ha ha! I'm sure you do recognize them! Now I need to Google Carmen Sandiego, I feel clueless not knowing who this person is!

@Biff: Next time I'm in there, a hot dog will be ordered, I promise!

July 5, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

@Biff we ordered one on our trip just for you! I agree with @Britta you need a flickr group for CBM. I'm glad in salt lake he is a little groovy. I should send you some official Salt Lake Salt Water Taffy. Happy 4th after the fact everyone!

July 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

@kari: I need to look into starting a flickr group for CBM, I'm not sure how to do it. Happy 4th after the fact to you!

July 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarty After Dark

@Kari: Thanks! Wasn't it delicious?!

July 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

@Biff it was good, but I just think its not a lot of food so when you go out to some place like that you want something...more. A hot dog is just like an appetizer :)

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

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