July 5, 2011
Okay, since it’s the 4th of July and a holiday, I thought I’d stay home and just relax and cook a nice holiday dinner. It’s going to be a little bit of what I like to call a “quickity blickity blog.” So let’s get this party started!
I'll warn you in advance, this isn't going to be the most exciting MAD post ever. Okay, on with the holiday dinner. I'm starting off by cooking a sliced red potato in my electric skillet.
Next I'll pop this ear of corn into the microwave.
And here's the main course, a T-bone steak! I just realized tonight I've never cooked a steak in this apartment.
And here goes. Will my tiny little toaster oven be capable of cooking this? I think so, it'll just take some time.
And while everything's cooking, time to take a snack break with Chicken in a Biskit and Sleazy Cheese.
Sleazy Cheese always has a somewhat nuclear look to it, but it's delicious and probably horrible for you. Which makes it even better.
And here's my 4th of July feast. It was delicious!
And now for dessert! Tomorrow's blog will have a little more substance to it, I promise! I hope you all had a great 4th of July, but now the party's over. Sob! See you all tomorrow after dark.
Further reading: Wikipedia, Cooks.com and Smoking Hot Waitress.
You also might like: Fancy Socks, Collecting Rocks and Electric Shocks.
Four Holiday Songs
Holiday by Madonna
Holiday Road by Lindsay Buckingham
Holiday In Waikiki by The Kinks
Holidays in the Sun by The Sex Pistols

Reader Comments (22)
I love me some Chicken in a Biskit! Glad you had a nice relaxing holiday! The surprise link cracked me up, it's all too true!
Classic bachelor living. Enjoy your sleep-in Marty, you've earned it!
Those were my favorite crackers as a kid, along with the ones shaped like vegetables. Both equally good with Velveeta.
Proof that an Easy Bake Oven will indeed cook a steak.
It seems we've all returned on July 5th with our typing digits intact.
Back to the grind today.
Even though the individual elements appeared slightly disgusting, they all came together to make a delightful feast. Much like the Rolling Stones. Happy Fourth! er...fifth.
@Barfly: The party is indeed over! I'm at work having a horrible day! Waahh!
@Jaws: Thanks, I wish I was still in bed!
@Goggla: Weren't those called Vegetable Thins? I liked them too!
@"Boris:" And a grind it is today!
@Biff: Ha! Perfect analogy! I wish I had a fifth of anything right now. Okay, back to the grind!
i think it's great you stayed home and took it easy on the holiday! like jaws said you deserve it! now get back to work tonight! lol!
I feel really bad that the Sol beer is still in there - if it's still there in 3 months when I come out again, I'll drink it so it doesn't get a complex.
I remember vegetable thins. Great lookin meal Marty. When I was traveling in the Caribbean--I traveled with a blender and a hot plate. Could always make coffee or anything and always a blended drink. YUM!!!
@GENE: Great link! Thanks!
@rita r: Ha ha ha! I'll try my best but I have to warn you, it's been a bad day at work!
@Britta: It's the loneliest beer in the world! I may just save it for you!
@Melanie: I need to see if they still make Vegetable Thins. A blender and a hotplate, who needs anything more?
Dinner is served. Not a bad plate up, Marty. Happy July 6th!
that clacky always a day ahead...man once again it looks like MAD eats better than me...i had a left over hot dog...but...after 8 or 10 "rutgut 45s" it was almost like a t-bone...
“You know they call corn-on-the-cob, corn-on-the-cob, but that's how it comes out of the ground. They should just call it corn, and every other type of corn, corn-off-the-cob. It's not like if someone cut off my arm they would call it Mitch, and then re-attached it, and call it Mitch-all-together.”
~Mitch Hedberg:
That steak looks much better cooked than it did sitting in the tupperware. Maybe it's time for a spin-off cookbook!
@Raginrr: Well said. It's wonderful here in the future.
@Clacky: You're a day ahead, but are you a dollar short? Happy 6th of July to you too!
@rr: Sometimes a left over hot dog can taste pretty sweet indeed! Your quote today is outstanding, Mitch Hedberg was a comic genius! A sad day when he checked out.
@onemorefoldedsunset: A cookbook! Not a bad idea! I wasn't sure if that steak would cook in the toaster oven, but it turned out great! Now I'm back at work and having a horrible night.
damn...forgot to mention that "natalie word" x2 arrived this afternoon...damn everyone should possess these "rags"...the pdfs do not hold a candle to the actual "mag"...and lulu ships them like they are irreplaceable jewels...which they are...
@rr: Thanks for the purchase of Natalie Word, always appreciate it!
Yeah I'm gonna have to second @Biff on this one. Glad you had a relaxing evening Marty. Sorry the shitty ones returned so quickly!
@kari:Thanks, I shouldn't be complaining, one more night and I get a five day weekend!
I love chicken in a biscuit..
I cheat and take a block of cream cheese
grab a jar of japapeno jam
pour over cream cheese
serve with chicken in a biscuits and sociables..
they think you went all out!
@Gidgie: That Chicken in a Biskit recipe sounds great!